Emergency Contact Information
In CampMinder, please update your emergency contact information prior to the first day of camp. If you, or any of your emergency contacts, change contact information, you must update the information in CampMinder as soon as possible. This ensures that we can contact you regarding your child at all times.
Health & Medications
Please complete an online Health History Form for your child via CampMinder. Health History Forms are essential for us to keep your child safe while at camp. In order for your child to attend camp, you must complete the Health History Form.
To complete your child's health history form, please follow the steps below:
Log in to CampMinder
Click the "Forms and Documents" link that has the yellow pencil icon next to it.
Click the "Health History Form" document and complete every field.
Please note that you will need to have your child’s immunization record/dates; you may need to contact your child’s doctor for that information.
It is imperative that you write down any previous medical conditions on the Health History Form (e.g., any mental health needs, any medications that your child takes, any allergies, etc.). We will not turn away any child from Camp Uncommon due to medical and/or mental health needs. We simply need to know all of the information in order to keep your child safe.
As a reminder, the following is the protocol for all medications:
Please document any medications that your child needs to take while at camp in the Health History Form.
Please bring all medications in their original container to the bus pick-up location. If medications are prescribed by a doctor, they must be in a prescription labeled container with the doctor/pharmacist instructions visible. Labels must be undamaged and readable.
All medications must be placed in a clear Ziploc bag, with your child’s name clearly labeled on it (you can use a marker to write your child’s name on the bag).
All medications must be handed to a designated Camp Uncommon counselor at your bus pick-up location upon check-in.
If your child has a food allergy that requires an EpiPen, Camp Uncommon will not provide it. Please note that you need to send your child with their own EpiPen, labeled in his/her medication bag. Camp Uncommon will have peanut free dorms. Please note that any food or candy containing peanuts or tree nuts will be confiscated.
Packing List
Click here for Packing List - Please review the packing list carefully. The items on the list are only suggestions; please send what you can with your camper. If possible, we strongly encourage you to label your child’s clothing and items with an indelible marker or label.
The following are a few important things to remember when packing:
All linens will be provided (i.e., towels, pillows, sheets, blankets)
Bathing suits MUST be knee length trunks for boys and 1-piece bathing suits for girls. We will not make any exceptions to this policy; campers will not be allowed to swim if their swimwear does not meet Camp Uncommon standards.
In addition to the original items outlined on the packing list, each camper should come to camp with the following items:
A backpack/book bag (whatever they use for school is fine)
At least 2 books to read on buses, during rest hour, and during downtime/before bed.
Camper Communication
Campers and families will stay in touch in the following ways:
Scheduled phone calls. We will be in touch with you to schedule a time when your child can call you during camp.
CampInTouch via CampMinder. Parents/families can log into CampMinder at any time and send their child an email. We will print and deliver emails to campers every day.
Letters. Campers will write letters home to their families at least one time while they are at camp.
Our camp photographer will be posting photos of campers having fun at Camp Uncommon every day throughout camp. To see what is happening, please visit the photo section on CampMinder. You simply need to log into CampMinder and click on the “Photos” icon. In addition, we will be posting photos on Instagram - follow us at @camp_uncommon!